
Swim against the tide. Art is rebellion.

Talking to Dave about this piece was…well let’s just say, it was an experience. Halfway through an anecdote about a sci-fi movie marathon, he went into a passionate monologue about oppression – fish came into it somewhere (?!?). “Big Bot” somehow came out of this. In Dave’s world, Big Bot’s a symbol of cold and unfeeling oppression. But there’s hope! The fish aren’t just swimming by. They’re rebelliously changing the nature of the bombs they’re riding (or overriding, if you prefer). It’s Dave’s way of saying: even in the face of immense power, there’s always a way to make your point.

In the face of oppression, assert your freedom creatively. You have a voice, no matter how unusual, and sometimes, it’s that unique take that makes all the difference.

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Dive deep into the cultural fusion with this striking street art piece from de:fy:h8. Showcasing a bold central figure reminiscent of vintage space exploration, surrounded by bright-hued fish with EYE-catching patterns, and a spirited crowd painted in grayscale beneath. The text ‘CUNG NHAU’ boldly stands out at the bottom, exuding a message of unity and togetherness. This artwork seamlessly bridges past and present, making it an evocative addition to any collection. (PRINT SOLD WITHOUT FRAME).

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